#include #include "sinTable.h" #include "cosTable.h" #define TABLE_LENGTH 720 #define SPEED 5 #define FRAC_BITS 8 #define TILE_WIDTH 8 #define TILE_HEIGHT 8 #define TILE_SIZE (TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT / 2) #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 224 #define SCREEN_TILES_X 40 #define SCREEN_TILES_Y 28 #define TILE_EMPTY 0 #define TILE_FILLED 1 #define TILE_GREEN 4 #define MAP_WIDTH 10 #define MAP_HEIGHT 10 #define WALL_HEIGHT_SCALE FIX16(1) Line l; s16 angle = 0; s16 x, y; u8 tileBuffer[TILE_SIZE]; u16 tileIndex = 0; const u8 map[10][10] = {{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}, {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1}, {1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1}, {1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1}, {1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1}, {1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1}, {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}, {1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}}; int dist(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by){ return (ax-bx)*(ax-bx) + (ay-by)*(ay-by); } void castRay(s16 angle, s16 column){ if(angle >= 360) angle = angle - 360; if(angle < 0) angle = 360 + angle; u16 r,mx,my,mp,dof; fix16 rx,ry,ra,xo,yo; s16 ind = (int)((float)angle/360.0f*1024.0f); fix16 dy = sinFix16(ind); fix16 dx = cosFix16(ind); fix16 tan = FIX16(0); if(dx != 0) tan = fix16Div(dy, dx); fix16 aTan = FIX16(0); if(tan != 0) aTan = fix16Div(FIX16(-1), tan); s16 tanInt = fix16ToInt(fix16Mul(aTan, FIX16(100))); dof = 0; fix16 distH = FIX16(500); fix16 hx = FIX16(l.pt1.x); fix16 hy = FIX16(l.pt1.y); if(dy == 0){ rx = FIX16(l.pt1.x); ry = FIX16(l.pt1.y); dof = 8; }else { if(angle > 180) { ry = FIX16(l.pt1.y / 10 * 10)-FIX16(1); rx = fix16Mul(FIX16(l.pt1.y) - ry,aTan) + FIX16(l.pt1.x); yo = FIX16(-10); xo = fix16Mul(0-yo,aTan); } if(angle < 180) { ry = FIX16((l.pt1.y / 10 * 10)+10); rx = fix16Mul(FIX16(l.pt1.y) - ry,aTan) + FIX16(l.pt1.x); yo = FIX16(10); xo = fix16Mul(0-yo,aTan); } } while(dof<8){ mx = fix16ToInt(rx) / 10; my = fix16ToInt(ry) / 10; if(rx < 0 || ry < 0){ dof = 8; continue; } if(mx < 10 && my < 10 && map[my][mx] == 1){ dof = 8; hx = rx; hy = ry; distH = dist(l.pt1.x, l.pt1.y, fix16ToInt(rx), fix16ToInt(ry)); }else{ rx = rx + xo; ry = ry + yo; dof += 1; } } dof = 0; fix16 distV = FIX16(500); fix16 vx = FIX16(l.pt1.x); fix16 vy = FIX16(l.pt1.y); fix16 nTan = 0-tan; if(fix16ToInt(nTan) > 51){ nTan = FIX16(51); } if(fix16ToInt(nTan) < -51){ nTan = FIX16(-51); } if(angle > 90 && r < 270) { rx = FIX16(l.pt1.x / 10 * 10)-FIX16(1); ry = fix16Mul(FIX16(l.pt1.x) - rx,nTan) + FIX16(l.pt1.y); xo = FIX16(-10); yo = fix16Mul(0-xo,nTan); } if(angle < 90 || angle > 270) { rx = FIX16((l.pt1.x / 10 * 10)+10); ry = fix16Mul(FIX16(l.pt1.x) - rx,nTan) + FIX16(l.pt1.y); xo = FIX16(10); yo = fix16Mul(0-xo,nTan); } if(dx == 0){ rx = FIX16(l.pt1.x); ry = FIX16(l.pt1.y); xo = FIX16(0); yo = FIX16(0); dof = 8; } while(dof<8){ mx = fix16ToInt(rx) / 10; my = fix16ToInt(ry) / 10; if(rx < 0 || ry < 0){ dof = 8; continue; } if(mx < 10 && my < 10 && map[my][mx] == 1){ dof = 8; vx = rx; vy = ry; distV = dist(l.pt1.x, l.pt1.y, fix16ToInt(rx), fix16ToInt(ry)); }else{ rx = rx + xo; ry = ry + yo; dof += 1; } } u8 tile = TILE_FILLED; fix16 shortestDist = distH; if(distV < distH){ shortestDist = distV; l.pt2.x = fix16ToInt(vx); l.pt2.y = fix16ToInt(vy); tile = TILE_GREEN; }else { l.pt2.x = fix16ToInt(hx); l.pt2.y = fix16ToInt(hy); } //Wall height calcs shortestDist = fix16Sqrt(shortestDist); //shortestDist = fix16Mul(dx, shortestDist); if(shortestDist < 0){ shortestDist = -shortestDist; } fix16 wallHeightFix16 = fix16Div(FIX16(SCREEN_HEIGHT), (shortestDist + FIX16(1))); wallHeightFix16 = fix16Mul(wallHeightFix16, WALL_HEIGHT_SCALE); int wallHeight = fix16ToInt(wallHeightFix16); int wallTop = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (wallHeight / 2); int wallBottom = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + (wallHeight / 2); if (wallTop < 0) wallTop = 0; if (wallBottom >= SCREEN_HEIGHT) wallBottom = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1; u16 tileTop = wallTop / TILE_HEIGHT; u16 tileBottom = wallBottom / TILE_HEIGHT; u16 tileHeight = tileBottom - tileTop + 1; for (int yTile = 0; yTile <= SCREEN_TILES_Y; yTile++) { if(yTile >= tileTop && yTile <= tileBottom){ VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, tile), column, yTile); }else{ VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TILE_EMPTY), column, yTile); } } } void initTileBuffer(u8 color) { u8 colorValue = (color << 4) | color; // Color for both nibbles for (int i = 0; i < TILE_SIZE; i++) { tileBuffer[i] = colorValue; } } void uploadTileDataToVRAM(u16 vramTileIndex) { VDP_loadTileData(tileBuffer, vramTileIndex, 1, DMA); // Load 1 tile to VRAM } void mapscan() { u8 mapcolor = 15; // map color mapcolor |= mapcolor << 4; for (u8 x = 0; x < 10; x++) { for (u8 y = 0; y < 10; y++) { if (map[y][x] == 1) { // Draw a filled tile for the map block for (u8 px = 0; px < TILE_WIDTH; px++) { for (u8 py = 0; py < TILE_HEIGHT; py++) { setPixelInBuffer(px, py, mapcolor); } } // Upload the filled tile to VRAM uploadTileDataToVRAM(tileIndex); VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_A, tileIndex, x, y); } } } } void clearScreenWithTile(u16 tileIndex) { // Fill the entire screen with the background tile VDP_fillTileMapRect(BG_A, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, tileIndex), 0, 0, SCREEN_TILES_X, SCREEN_TILES_Y); //VDP_fillTileMapRect(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, tileIndex), 0, 0, SCREEN_TILES_X, SCREEN_TILES_Y); } void drawMap() { for (u16 y = 0; y < MAP_HEIGHT; y++) { for (u16 x = 0; x < MAP_WIDTH; x++) { u8 tileType = map[y][x] ? TILE_FILLED : TILE_EMPTY; VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_A, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, tileType), x, y); } } } void render() { l.pt1.x = x; l.pt1.y = y; //clearScreenWithTile(TILE_EMPTY); s16 castStart = angle - 20; if(angle >= 360) angle = angle - 360; if(angle < 0) angle = 360 + angle; if(castStart >= 360) castStart = castStart - 360; if(castStart < 0) castStart = 360 + castStart; for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++){ s16 cast = castStart+i; if(cast >= 360) cast = cast - 360; if(cast < 0) cast = 360 + cast; castRay(cast, i); //VDP_waitVSync(); } //drawMap(); VDP_setTextPlane(BG_A); VDP_setTextPalette(2); VDP_showFPS(1); char debugCastText[20]; sprintf(debugCastText, "Cast: %03d", castStart); VDP_drawText(debugCastText, 20, 2); //angle = angle + 1; SYS_doVBlankProcess(); } void update() { u16 joy = JOY_readJoypad(JOY_1); if (joy & BUTTON_LEFT) { angle -= 2; } if (joy & BUTTON_RIGHT) { angle += 2; } if (joy & BUTTON_UP) { s16 ind = (int)((float)angle / 360.0f * 1024.0f); fix16 dy = sinFix16(ind); fix16 dx = cosFix16(ind); y += fix16ToInt(fix16Mul(dy, FIX16(SPEED))); x += fix16ToInt(fix16Mul(dx, FIX16(SPEED))); } if (joy & BUTTON_DOWN) { s16 ind = (int)((float)angle / 360.0f * 1024.0f); fix16 dy = sinFix16(ind); fix16 dx = cosFix16(ind); y -= fix16ToInt(fix16Mul(dy, FIX16(SPEED))); x -= fix16ToInt(fix16Mul(dx, FIX16(SPEED))); } } void initVDP() { SYS_disableInts(); VDP_setPlaneSize(64, 32, TRUE); SYS_enableInts(); } int main() { SYS_disableInts(); VDP_setPlaneSize(64, 32, TRUE); SYS_enableInts(); PAL_setColor(13, RGB24_TO_VDPCOLOR(0x00ff00)); PAL_setColor(14, RGB24_TO_VDPCOLOR(0x1c1c14)); PAL_setColor(15, RGB24_TO_VDPCOLOR(0x17ffe8)); VDP_setBackgroundColor(14); // Initialize and upload tile data for TILE_EMPTY and TILE_FILLED initTileBuffer(15); // Color for TILE_FILLED VDP_loadTileData(tileBuffer, TILE_FILLED, 1, DMA); initTileBuffer(13); // Color for TILE_FILLED VDP_loadTileData(tileBuffer, TILE_GREEN, 1, DMA); initTileBuffer(0); // Color for TILE_EMPTY VDP_loadTileData(tileBuffer, TILE_EMPTY, 1, DMA); l.pt1.x = 15; l.pt1.y = 15; x = 15; y = 15; l.pt2.x = 0; l.pt2.y = 0; while (TRUE) { render(); update(); } return 0; }