from ftplib import FTP_TLS as FTP import io import json import tempfile import subprocess import time import os import datetime import zipfile def perform_installation(instance_name, prism_command, prism_instance_path, pack): try: ftp = FTP("") ftp.login() ftp.prot_p() ftp.cwd(pack) # Fetching versions.json from FTP bio = io.BytesIO() ftp.retrbinary("RETR versions.json", bio.write) versions = json.load(bio) bio.close() # Checking current version version = "0.0.0" version_file_path = os.path.join(prism_instance_path, instance_name, ".minecraft", "version.txt") if os.path.exists(version_file_path): with open(version_file_path, 'r') as fp: version = fp.readline().rstrip() # Checking if update is needed if version != versions[-1]["Version"]: print(f"Current version: {version}") print(f"Latest version: {versions[-1]['Version']}") # Downloading modpack with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: modpack_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, instance_name + ".mrpack") with open(modpack_file_path, 'wb') as modpack: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + versions[-1]["File"], modpack.write) # Running PrismLauncher with modpack subprocess.Popen([prism_command, '-I', modpack_file_path]) # Waiting for installation to complete while True: time.sleep(5) if os.path.exists(version_file_path): with open(version_file_path, 'r') as fp: version = fp.readline().rstrip() if version == versions[-1]["Version"]: break except: print("Unable to check for updates. Modpack may be out of date") finally: # Launching PrismLauncher with the instance[prism_command, '-l', instance_name]) def upload_pack(username, password, version_tag, fileName, pack): ftp = FTP("", username, password) ftp.prot_p() ftp.cwd(pack) bio = io.BytesIO() ftp.retrbinary("RETR versions.json", bio.write) versions = json.load(bio) bio.close() time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") versions.append({"Version":version_tag, "Date":time, "File":"Versions/"+pack+time+".mrpack"}) with zipfile.ZipFile(fileName, 'r') as zin: zipbytes = io.BytesIO() zout = zipfile.ZipFile(zipbytes, 'w') for item in zin.infolist(): buffer = if item.filename != "overrides/version.txt": zout.writestr(item, buffer) zout.writestr("overrides/version.txt", version_tag) zout.close() ftp.storbinary("STOR "+versions[len(versions)-1]["File"], zipbytes) bio = io.BytesIO() bio.write(json.dumps(versions).encode()) ftp.storbinary("STOR versions.json", bio) bio.close() modpackUpdate(pack, ftp) ftp.close() def getModpacks(): ftp = FTP("") ftp.login() ftp.prot_p() bio = io.BytesIO() ftp.retrbinary("RETR modpacks.json", bio.write) ftp.close() return json.load(bio) def uploadModpacks(modpacks, ftp): ftp.cwd("/ftp"); bio = io.BytesIO() bio.write(json.dumps(modpacks).encode()) ftp.storbinary("STOR modpacks.json", bio) bio.close() def modpackUpdate(id, ftp): modpacks = getModpacks() time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") for modpack in modpacks: if modpack["id"] == id: modpack["last-updated"] = time uploadModpacks(modpacks, ftp); def createModpack(id, name, username, password): modpacks = getModpacks() time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") modpacks.append({"id":id, "name":name, "last-updated":time}) ftp = FTP("", username, password) ftp.prot_p() uploadModpacks(modpacks,ftp) ftp.mkd(id) ftp.cwd(id) versions = [] bio = io.BytesIO() bio.write(json.dumps(versions).encode()) ftp.storbinary("STOR versions.json", bio) ftp.mkd("Versions") ftp.close()