Michael Maltese 1580b6e627 DSPTool: make existing tests pass
Disassemble code without the additional text for humans, like the
current PC and opcode hex values, so that it can be reassembled.

I'm not updating any commented-out tests here.
2017-06-05 19:28:40 -07:00

557 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPCodeUtil.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPDisassembler.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPHost.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPTables.h"
// Stub out the dsplib host stuff, since this is just a simple cmdline tools.
u8 DSP::Host::ReadHostMemory(u32 addr)
return 0;
void DSP::Host::WriteHostMemory(u8 value, u32 addr)
void DSP::Host::OSD_AddMessage(const std::string& str, u32 ms)
bool DSP::Host::OnThread()
return false;
bool DSP::Host::IsWiiHost()
return false;
void DSP::Host::CodeLoaded(const u8* ptr, int size)
void DSP::Host::InterruptRequest()
void DSP::Host::UpdateDebugger()
static bool RoundTrippableDissassemble(const std::vector<u16>& code, std::string& text)
DSP::AssemblerSettings settings;
settings.ext_separator = '\'';
settings.decode_names = true;
settings.decode_registers = true;
// These two prevent roundtripping.
settings.show_hex = false;
settings.show_pc = false;
DSP::DSPDisassembler disasm(settings);
return disasm.Disassemble(0x0000, code, 0x0000, text);
// This test goes from text ASM to binary to text ASM and once again back to binary.
// Then the two binaries are compared.
static bool RoundTrip(const std::vector<u16>& code1)
std::vector<u16> code2;
std::string text;
if (!RoundTrippableDissassemble(code1, text))
printf("RoundTrip: Disassembly failed.\n");
return false;
if (!DSP::Assemble(text, code2))
printf("RoundTrip: Assembly failed.\n");
return false;
if (!DSP::Compare(code1, code2))
DSP::Disassemble(code1, true, text);
printf("%s", text.c_str());
return true;
// This test goes from text ASM to binary to text ASM and once again back to binary.
// Very convenient for testing. Then the two binaries are compared.
static bool SuperTrip(const char* asm_code)
std::vector<u16> code1, code2;
std::string text;
if (!DSP::Assemble(asm_code, code1))
printf("SuperTrip: First assembly failed\n");
return false;
printf("First assembly: %i words\n", (int)code1.size());
if (!RoundTrippableDissassemble(code1, text))
printf("SuperTrip: Disassembly failed\n");
return false;
printf("%s", text.c_str());
if (!DSP::Assemble(text, code2))
printf("SuperTrip: Second assembly failed\n");
return false;
std::string text2;
Disassemble(code1, true, &text1);
Disassemble(code2, true, &text2);
File::WriteStringToFile(text1, "code1.txt");
File::WriteStringToFile(text2, "code2.txt");
return true;
static void RunAsmTests()
bool fail = false;
#define CHK(a) \
if (!SuperTrip(a)) \
printf("FAIL\n%s\n", a), fail = true;
// Let's start out easy - a trivial instruction..
CHK(" NOP\n");
// Now let's do several.
CHK(" NOP\n"
" NOP\n"
" NOP\n");
// Turning it up a notch.
CHK(" SET16\n"
" SET40\n"
" CLR15\n"
" M0\n"
" M2\n");
// Time to try labels and parameters, and comments.
CHK("DIRQ_TEST: equ 0xfffb ; DSP Irq Request\n"
" si @0xfffc, #0x8888\n"
" si @0xfffd, #0xbeef\n"
" si @DIRQ_TEST, #0x0001\n");
// Let's see if registers roundtrip. Also try predefined labels.
CHK(" si @0xfffc, #0x8888\n"
" si @0xfffd, #0xbeef\n"
" si @DIRQ, #0x0001\n");
// Let's try some messy extended instructions.
// CHK(" MULMV'SN $AX0.L, $AX0.H, $ACC0 : @$AR2, $AC1.M\n");
//" ADDAXL'MV $ACC1, $AX1.L : $AX1.H, $AC1.M\n");
// Let's get brutal. We generate random code bytes and make sure that they can
// be roundtripped. We don't expect it to always succeed but it'll be sure to generate
// interesting test cases.
std::vector<u16> hermes;
if (!LoadBinary("testdata/hermes.bin", &hermes))
PanicAlert("Failed to load hermes rom");
std::vector<u16> code;
std::string text_orig;
File::ReadFileToString("testdata/dsp_test.S", &text_orig);
if (!Assemble(text_orig.c_str(), &code))
printf("SuperTrip: First assembly failed\n");
std::vector<u16> code;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(dsp_test)/4; i++)
code.push_back(dsp_test[i] >> 16);
code.push_back(dsp_test[i] & 0xFFFF);
SaveBinary(code, "dsp_test2.bin");
// if (Compare(code, hermes))
// printf("Successs\n");
std::vector<u16> code;
std::string text;
LoadBinary("testdata/dsp_test.bin", &code);
Disassemble(code, true, &text);
Assemble(text.c_str(), &code);
Disassemble(code, true, &text);
printf("%s", text.c_str());
puts("Insane Random Code Test\n");
std::vector<u16> rand_code;
GenRandomCode(30, &rand_code);
std::string rand_code_text;
Disassemble(rand_code, true, &rand_code_text);
printf("%s", rand_code_text.c_str());
if (File::ReadFileToString("C:/devkitPro/examples/wii/asndlib/dsptest/dsp_test.ds", &dsp_test))
//.File::ReadFileToString("C:/devkitPro/trunk/libogc/libasnd/dsp_mixer/dsp_mixer.s", &dsp_test);
// This is CLOSE to working. Sorry about the local path btw. This is preliminary code.
std::string dsp_test;
if (File::ReadFileToString("Testdata/dsp_test.s", dsp_test))
fail = fail || !SuperTrip(dsp_test.c_str());
if (!fail)
printf("All passed!\n");
// Usage:
// Run internal tests:
// dsptool test
// Disassemble a file:
// dsptool -d -o asdf.txt asdf.bin
// Disassemble a file, output to standard output:
// dsptool -d asdf.bin
// Assemble a file:
// dsptool [-f] -o asdf.bin asdf.txt
// Assemble a file, output header:
// dsptool [-f] -h asdf.h asdf.txt
// Print results from DSPSpy register dump
// dsptool -p dsp_dump0.bin
// So far, all this binary can do is test partially that itself works correctly.
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
if (argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || (!strcmp(argv[1], "-?")))))
printf("USAGE: DSPTool [-?] [--help] [-f] [-d] [-m] [-p <FILE>] [-o <FILE>] [-h <FILE>] <DSP "
printf("-? / --help: Prints this message\n");
printf("-d: Disassemble\n");
printf("-m: Input file contains a list of files (Header assembly only)\n");
printf("-s: Print the final size in bytes (only)\n");
printf("-f: Force assembly (errors are not critical)\n");
printf("-o <OUTPUT FILE>: Results from stdout redirected to a file\n");
printf("-h <HEADER FILE>: Output assembly results to a header\n");
printf("-p <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump\n");
printf("-ps <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (disable SR output)\n");
printf("-pm <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (convert PROD values)\n");
printf("-psm <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (convert PROD values/disable "
"SR output)\n");
return 0;
if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "test"))
return 0;
std::string input_name;
std::string output_header_name;
std::string output_name;
bool disassemble = false, compare = false, multiple = false, outputSize = false, force = false,
print_results = false, print_results_prodhack = false, print_results_srhack = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d"))
disassemble = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o"))
output_name = argv[++i];
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h"))
output_header_name = argv[++i];
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c"))
compare = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s"))
outputSize = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m"))
multiple = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f"))
force = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p"))
print_results = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ps"))
print_results = true;
print_results_srhack = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pm"))
print_results = true;
print_results_prodhack = true;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psm"))
print_results = true;
print_results_srhack = true;
print_results_prodhack = true;
if (!input_name.empty())
printf("ERROR: Can only take one input file.\n");
return 1;
input_name = argv[i];
if (!File::Exists(input_name))
printf("ERROR: Input path does not exist.\n");
return 1;
if (multiple && (compare || disassemble || !output_name.empty() || input_name.empty()))
printf("ERROR: Multiple files can only be used with assembly "
"and must compile a header file.\n");
return 1;
if (compare)
// Two binary inputs, let's diff.
std::string binary_code;
std::vector<u16> code1, code2;
File::ReadFileToString(input_name, binary_code);
DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code1);
File::ReadFileToString(output_name, binary_code);
DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code2);
DSP::Compare(code1, code2);
return 0;
if (print_results)
std::string dumpfile, results;
std::vector<u16> reg_vector;
File::ReadFileToString(input_name, dumpfile);
DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(dumpfile, reg_vector);
for (int initial_reg = 0; initial_reg < 32; initial_reg++)
results.append(StringFromFormat("%02x %04x ", initial_reg,;
if ((initial_reg + 1) % 8 == 0)
results.append("Step [number]:\n[Reg] [last value] [current value]\n\n");
for (unsigned int step = 1; step < reg_vector.size() / 32; step++)
bool changed = false;
u16 current_reg;
u16 last_reg;
u32 htemp;
// results.append(StringFromFormat("Step %3d: (CW 0x%04x) UC:%03d\n", step, 0x8fff+step,
// (step-1)/32));
results.append(StringFromFormat("Step %3d:\n", step));
for (int reg = 0; reg < 32; reg++)
if ((reg >= 0x0c) && (reg <= 0x0f))
if (print_results_srhack && (reg == 0x13))
if ((print_results_prodhack) && (reg >= 0x15) && (reg <= 0x17))
switch (reg)
case 0x15: // DSP_REG_PRODM
last_reg = * 32 - 32) + reg) + * 32 - 32) + reg + 2);
current_reg = * 32 + reg) + * 32 + reg + 2);
case 0x16: // DSP_REG_PRODH
htemp = (( * 32 + reg - 1) + * 32 + reg + 1)) &
~0xffff) >>
current_reg = (u8)( * 32 + reg) + htemp);
htemp = (( * 32 - 32 + reg - 1) + * 32 - 32 + reg + 1)) &
~0xffff) >>
last_reg = (u8)( * 32 - 32 + reg) + htemp);
case 0x17: // DSP_REG_PRODM2
current_reg = 0;
last_reg = 0;
current_reg = * 32 + reg);
last_reg = * 32 - 32) + reg);
if (last_reg != current_reg)
results.append(StringFromFormat("%02x %-7s: %04x %04x\n", reg, DSP::pdregname(reg),
last_reg, current_reg));
changed = true;
if (!changed)
results.append("No Change\n\n");
if (!output_name.empty())
File::WriteStringToFile(results, output_name.c_str());
printf("%s", results.c_str());
return 0;
if (disassemble)
if (input_name.empty())
printf("Disassemble: Must specify input.\n");
return 1;
std::string binary_code;
std::vector<u16> code;
File::ReadFileToString(input_name, binary_code);
DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code);
std::string text;
DSP::Disassemble(code, true, text);
if (!output_name.empty())
File::WriteStringToFile(text, output_name);
printf("%s", text.c_str());
if (input_name.empty())
printf("Assemble: Must specify input.\n");
return 1;
std::string source;
if (File::ReadFileToString(input_name.c_str(), source))
if (multiple)
// When specifying a list of files we must compile a header
// (we can't assemble multiple files to one binary)
// since we checked it before, we assume output_header_name isn't empty
int lines;
std::vector<u16>* codes;
std::vector<std::string> files;
std::string header, currentSource;
size_t lastPos = 0, pos = 0;
while ((pos = source.find('\n', lastPos)) != std::string::npos)
std::string temp = source.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);
if (!temp.empty())
lastPos = pos + 1;
lines = (int)files.size();
if (lines == 0)
printf("ERROR: Must specify at least one file\n");
return 1;
codes = new std::vector<u16>[lines];
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
if (!File::ReadFileToString(files[i].c_str(), currentSource))
printf("ERROR reading %s, skipping...\n", files[i].c_str());
if (!DSP::Assemble(currentSource, codes[i], force))
printf("Assemble: Assembly of %s failed due to errors\n", files[i].c_str());
if (outputSize)
printf("%s: %d\n", files[i].c_str(), (int)codes[i].size());
DSP::CodesToHeader(codes, &files, lines, output_header_name.c_str(), header);
File::WriteStringToFile(header, output_header_name + ".h");
delete[] codes;
std::vector<u16> code;
if (!DSP::Assemble(source, code, force))
printf("Assemble: Assembly failed due to errors\n");
return 1;
if (outputSize)
printf("%s: %d\n", input_name.c_str(), (int)code.size());
if (!output_name.empty())
std::string binary_code;
DSP::CodeToBinaryStringBE(code, binary_code);
File::WriteStringToFile(binary_code, output_name);
if (!output_header_name.empty())
std::string header;
DSP::CodeToHeader(code, input_name, output_header_name.c_str(), header);
File::WriteStringToFile(header, output_header_name + ".h");
if (disassemble)
printf("Disassembly completed successfully!\n");
if (!outputSize)
printf("Assembly completed successfully!\n");
return 0;