2022-02-06 18:43:45 +01:00

47 lines
1.7 KiB

/* mz_strm_pkcrypt.h -- Code for traditional PKWARE encryption
part of the minizip-ng project
Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Nathan Moinvaziri
This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_open(void *stream, const char *filename, int32_t mode);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_is_open(void *stream);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_read(void *stream, void *buf, int32_t size);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_write(void *stream, const void *buf, int32_t size);
int64_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_tell(void *stream);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_seek(void *stream, int64_t offset, int32_t origin);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_close(void *stream);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_error(void *stream);
void mz_stream_pkcrypt_set_password(void *stream, const char *password);
void mz_stream_pkcrypt_set_verify(void *stream, uint8_t verify1, uint8_t verify2);
void mz_stream_pkcrypt_get_verify(void *stream, uint8_t *verify1, uint8_t *verify2);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_get_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t *value);
int32_t mz_stream_pkcrypt_set_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t value);
void* mz_stream_pkcrypt_create(void **stream);
void mz_stream_pkcrypt_delete(void **stream);
void* mz_stream_pkcrypt_get_interface(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus