Lioncash 8da425b008 Formatting cleanup for VideoCommon.
Block braces on new lines.

Also killed off trailing whitespace and dangling elses.

Spaced some things out to make them more readable (only in places where it looked like a bit of a clusterfuck).
2013-04-24 09:21:54 -04:00

636 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <math.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "NativeVertexFormat.h"
#include "BPMemory.h"
#include "CPMemory.h"
#include "LightingShaderGen.h"
#include "VertexShaderGen.h"
#include "VideoConfig.h"
// Mash together all the inputs that contribute to the code of a generated vertex shader into
// a unique identifier, basically containing all the bits. Yup, it's a lot ....
void GetVertexShaderId(VERTEXSHADERUID *uid, u32 components)
memset(uid->values, 0, sizeof(uid->values));
uid->values[0] = components |
(xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens << 23) |
(xfregs.numChan.numColorChans << 27) |
(xfregs.dualTexTrans.enabled << 29);
// TODO: If pixel lighting is enabled, do we even have to bother about storing lighting related registers here?
uid->values[2] |= (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting) << 31;
u32 *pcurvalue = &uid->values[3];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
TexMtxInfo tinfo = xfregs.texMtxInfo[i];
if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP)
tinfo.hex &= 0x7ff;
if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR)
tinfo.projection = 0;
u32 val = ((tinfo.hex >> 1) & 0x1ffff);
if (xfregs.dualTexTrans.enabled && tinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR)
// rewrite normalization and post index
val |= ((u32)xfregs.postMtxInfo[i].index << 17) | ((u32)xfregs.postMtxInfo[i].normalize << 23);
switch (i & 3)
case 0: pcurvalue[0] |= val; break;
case 1: pcurvalue[0] |= val << 24; pcurvalue[1] = val >> 8; ++pcurvalue; break;
case 2: pcurvalue[0] |= val << 16; pcurvalue[1] = val >> 16; ++pcurvalue; break;
case 3: pcurvalue[0] |= val << 8; ++pcurvalue; break;
void GetSafeVertexShaderId(VERTEXSHADERUIDSAFE *uid, u32 components)
// Just store all used registers here without caring whether we need all bits or less.
memset(uid->values, 0, sizeof(uid->values));
u32* ptr = uid->values;
*ptr++ = components;
*ptr++ = xfregs.numTexGen.hex;
*ptr++ = xfregs.numChan.hex;
*ptr++ = xfregs.dualTexTrans.hex;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
*ptr++ = xfregs.color[i].hex;
*ptr++ = xfregs.alpha[i].hex;
*ptr++ = g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
*ptr++ = xfregs.texMtxInfo[i].hex;
*ptr++ = xfregs.postMtxInfo[i].hex;
_assert_((ptr - uid->values) == uid->GetNumValues());
void ValidateVertexShaderIDs(API_TYPE api, VERTEXSHADERUIDSAFE old_id, const std::string& old_code, u32 components)
if (!g_ActiveConfig.bEnableShaderDebugging)
GetSafeVertexShaderId(&new_id, components);
if (!(old_id == new_id))
std::string new_code(GenerateVertexShaderCode(components, api));
if (old_code != new_code)
_assert_(old_id.GetNumValues() == new_id.GetNumValues());
char msg[8192];
char* ptr = msg;
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "Vertex shader IDs matched but unique IDs did not!\nUnique IDs (old <-> new):\n");
const int N = new_id.GetNumValues();
for (int i = 0; i < N/2; ++i)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%02d, %08X %08X | %08X %08X\n", 2*i, old_id.values[2*i], old_id.values[2*i+1],
new_id.values[2*i], new_id.values[2*i+1]);
if (N % 2)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%02d, %08X | %08X\n", N-1, old_id.values[N-1], new_id.values[N-1]);
static int num_failures = 0;
char szTemp[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(szTemp, "%svsuid_mismatch_%04i.txt", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMP_IDX).c_str(), num_failures++);
std::ofstream file;
OpenFStream(file, szTemp, std::ios_base::out);
file << msg;
file << "\n\nOld shader code:\n" << old_code;
file << "\n\nNew shader code:\n" << new_code;
PanicAlert("Unique pixel shader ID mismatch!\n\nReport this to the devs, along with the contents of %s.", szTemp);
static char text[16384];
#define WRITE p+=sprintf
char* GenerateVSOutputStruct(char* p, u32 components, API_TYPE ApiType)
// "centroid" attribute is only supported by D3D11
const char* optCentroid = (ApiType == API_D3D11 ? "centroid" : "");
// GLSL makes this ugly
// TODO: Make pretty
WRITE(p, "struct VS_OUTPUT {\n");
WRITE(p, " %s float4 pos %s POSITION;\n", optCentroid, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":");
WRITE(p, " %s float4 colors_0 %s COLOR0;\n", optCentroid, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":");
WRITE(p, " %s float4 colors_1 %s COLOR1;\n", optCentroid, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":");
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, " %s float3 tex%d %s TEXCOORD%d;\n", optCentroid, i, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":", i);
WRITE(p, " %s float4 clipPos %s TEXCOORD%d;\n", optCentroid, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":", xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens);
if(g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
WRITE(p, " %s float4 Normal %s TEXCOORD%d;\n", optCentroid, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":", xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens + 1);
// clip position is in w of first 4 texcoords
if(g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, " %s float4 tex%d %s TEXCOORD%d;\n", optCentroid, i, ApiType == API_OPENGL? ";//" : ":", i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, " %s float%d tex%d %s TEXCOORD%d;\n", optCentroid, i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i, ApiType == API_OPENGL ? ";//" : ":", i);
WRITE(p, "};\n");
return p;
extern const char* WriteRegister(API_TYPE ApiType, const char *prefix, const u32 num);
extern const char *WriteLocation(API_TYPE ApiType);
const char *GenerateVertexShaderCode(u32 components, API_TYPE ApiType)
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Reset locale for compilation
text[sizeof(text) - 1] = 0x7C; // canary
_assert_(bpmem.genMode.numtexgens == xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens);
_assert_(bpmem.genMode.numcolchans == xfregs.numChan.numColorChans);
bool is_d3d = (ApiType & API_D3D9 || ApiType == API_D3D11);
u32 lightMask = 0;
if (xfregs.numChan.numColorChans > 0)
lightMask |= xfregs.color[0].GetFullLightMask() | xfregs.alpha[0].GetFullLightMask();
if (xfregs.numChan.numColorChans > 1)
lightMask |= xfregs.color[1].GetFullLightMask() | xfregs.alpha[1].GetFullLightMask();
char *p = text;
WRITE(p, "//Vertex Shader: comp:%x, \n", components);
// uniforms
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "layout(std140) uniform VSBlock {\n");
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[6] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_POSNORMALMATRIX));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_PROJECTION"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_PROJECTION));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_MATERIALS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_MATERIALS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_LIGHTS"[40] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_LIGHTS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_TEXMATRICES"[24] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_TEXMATRICES)); // also using tex matrices
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[64] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType),WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_TRANSFORMMATRICES));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_NORMALMATRICES"[32] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_NORMALMATRICES));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[64] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_DEPTHPARAMS" %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_DEPTHPARAMS));
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "};\n");
p = GenerateVSOutputStruct(p, components, ApiType);
if(ApiType == API_OPENGL)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float4 rawpos; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float fposmtx; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float3 rawnorm0; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float3 rawnorm1; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float3 rawnorm2; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_COL0)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float4 color0; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_COL1)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float4 color1; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
u32 hastexmtx = (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i));
if ((components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<i)) || hastexmtx)
WRITE(p, "ATTRIN float%d tex%d; // ATTR%d,\n", hastexmtx ? 3 : 2, i, SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i);
// Let's set up attributes
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float3 uv%d_2;\n", i);
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float4 clipPos_2;\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float4 Normal_2;\n");
// wpos is in w of first 4 texcoords
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float4 uv%d_2;\n", i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float%d uv%d_2;\n", i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i);
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float4 colors_02;\n");
WRITE(p, "VARYOUT float4 colors_12;\n");
WRITE(p, "void main()\n{\n");
WRITE(p, "VS_OUTPUT main(\n");
// inputs
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0)
WRITE(p, " float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1)
if (is_d3d)
WRITE(p, " float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n");
WRITE(p, " float3 rawnorm1 : ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2)
if (is_d3d)
WRITE(p, " float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n");
WRITE(p, " float3 rawnorm2 : ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
if (components & VB_HAS_COL0)
WRITE(p, " float4 color0 : COLOR0,\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_COL1)
WRITE(p, " float4 color1 : COLOR1,\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
u32 hastexmtx = (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i));
if ((components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<i)) || hastexmtx)
WRITE(p, " float%d tex%d : TEXCOORD%d,\n", hastexmtx ? 3 : 2, i, i);
if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX)
if (is_d3d)
WRITE(p, " float4 blend_indices : BLENDINDICES,\n");
WRITE(p, " float fposmtx : ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
WRITE(p, " float4 rawpos : POSITION) {\n");
WRITE(p, "VS_OUTPUT o;\n");
// transforms
if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX)
if (ApiType & API_D3D9)
WRITE(p, "int4 indices = D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(blend_indices);\n");
WRITE(p, "int posmtx = indices.x;\n");
else if (ApiType == API_D3D11)
WRITE(p, "int posmtx = blend_indices.x * 255.0f;\n");
WRITE(p, "int posmtx = int(fposmtx);\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx+1], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx+2], rawpos), 1);\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRMALL) {
WRITE(p, "int normidx = posmtx >= 32 ? (posmtx-32) : posmtx;\n");
WRITE(p, "float3 N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx].xyz, N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx+1].xyz, N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx+2].xyz;\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(N0, rawnorm0), dot(N1, rawnorm0), dot(N2, rawnorm0)));\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm1), dot(N1, rawnorm1), dot(N2, rawnorm1));\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm2), dot(N1, rawnorm2), dot(N2, rawnorm2));\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[0], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[1], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[2], rawpos), 1.0f);\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm0)));\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm1));\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2)
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm2));\n");
if (!(components & VB_HAS_NRM0))
WRITE(p, "float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION"[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[3], pos));\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 mat, lacc;\n"
"float3 ldir, h;\n"
"float dist, dist2, attn;\n");
if (xfregs.numChan.numColorChans == 0)
if (components & VB_HAS_COL0)
WRITE(p, "o.colors_0 = color0;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.colors_0 = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n");
// TODO: This probably isn't necessary if pixel lighting is enabled.
p = GenerateLightingShader(p, components, I_MATERIALS, I_LIGHTS, "color", "o.colors_");
if (xfregs.numChan.numColorChans < 2)
if (components & VB_HAS_COL1)
WRITE(p, "o.colors_1 = color1;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.colors_1 = o.colors_0;\n");
// special case if only pos and tex coord 0 and tex coord input is AB11
// donko - this has caused problems in some games. removed for now.
bool texGenSpecialCase = false;
/*bool texGenSpecialCase =
((g_VtxDesc.Hex & 0x60600L) == g_VtxDesc.Hex) && // only pos and tex coord 0
(g_VtxDesc.Tex0Coord != NOT_PRESENT) &&
(xfregs.texcoords[0].texmtxinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_AB11);
// transform texcoords
WRITE(p, "float4 coord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
TexMtxInfo& texinfo = xfregs.texMtxInfo[i];
WRITE(p, "{\n");
WRITE(p, "coord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n");
switch (texinfo.sourcerow)
_assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 );
WRITE(p, "coord = rawpos;\n"); // pos.w is 1
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0)
_assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 );
WRITE(p, "coord = float4(, 1.0f);\n");
_assert_( texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0 || texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1 );
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1)
_assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 );
WRITE(p, "coord = float4(, 1.0f);\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2)
_assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 );
WRITE(p, "coord = float4(, 1.0f);\n");
_assert_(texinfo.sourcerow <= XF_SRCTEX7_INROW);
if (components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<(texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW)) )
WRITE(p, "coord = float4(tex%d.x, tex%d.y, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n", texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW, texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW);
// first transformation
switch (texinfo.texgentype)
case XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP: // calculate tex coords into bump map
if (components & (VB_HAS_NRM1|VB_HAS_NRM2))
// transform the light dir into tangent space
WRITE(p, "ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS"[5*%d + 3].xyz -;\n", texinfo.embosslightshift);
WRITE(p, " = + float3(dot(ldir, _norm1), dot(ldir, _norm2), 0.0f);\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift);
_assert_(0); // should have normals
WRITE(p, " =;\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift);
_assert_(texinfo.sourcerow == XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW);
WRITE(p, " = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1);\n", i);
_assert_(texinfo.sourcerow == XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW);
WRITE(p, " = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1);\n", i);
if (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i))
WRITE(p, "int tmp = int(tex%d.z);\n", i);
if (texinfo.projection == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ)
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+1]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+2]));\n", i);
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+1]), 1);\n", i);
if (texinfo.projection == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ)
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]));\n", i, 3*i, 3*i+1, 3*i+2);
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), 1);\n", i, 3*i, 3*i+1);
// CHECKME: does this only work for regular tex gen types?
if (xfregs.dualTexTrans.enabled && texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR)
const PostMtxInfo& postInfo = xfregs.postMtxInfo[i];
int postidx = postInfo.index;
WRITE(p, "float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n"
"float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n"
"float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n",
postidx&0x3f, (postidx+1)&0x3f, (postidx+2)&0x3f);
if (texGenSpecialCase)
// no normalization
// q of input is 1
// q of output is unknown
// multiply by postmatrix
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(P0.xy, o.tex%d.xy) + P0.z + P0.w, dot(P1.xy, o.tex%d.xy) + P1.z + P1.w, 0.0f);\n", i, i, i);
if (postInfo.normalize)
WRITE(p, " = normalize(;\n", i, i);
// multiply by postmatrix
WRITE(p, " = float3(dot(, + P0.w, dot(, + P1.w, dot(, + P2.w);\n", i, i, i, i);
WRITE(p, "}\n");
// clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
WRITE(p, "o.clipPos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,o.pos.z,o.pos.w);\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex0.w = pos.x;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex1.w = pos.y;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex2.w = o.pos.z;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex3.w = o.pos.w;\n");
if(g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
WRITE(p, "o.Normal = float4(_norm0.x,_norm0.y,_norm0.z,pos.z);\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex4.w = _norm0.x;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex5.w = _norm0.y;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex6.w = _norm0.z;\n");
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 8)
WRITE(p, "o.tex7 = pos.xyzz;\n");
WRITE(p, "o.tex7.w = pos.z;\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_COL0)
WRITE(p, "o.colors_0 = color0;\n");
if (components & VB_HAS_COL1)
WRITE(p, "o.colors_1 = color1;\n");
//write the true depth value, if the game uses depth textures pixel shaders will override with the correct values
//if not early z culling will improve speed
if (is_d3d)
WRITE(p, "o.pos.z = " I_DEPTHPARAMS".x * o.pos.w + o.pos.z * " I_DEPTHPARAMS".y;\n");
// this results in a scale from -1..0 to -1..1 after perspective
// divide
WRITE(p, "o.pos.z = o.pos.w + o.pos.z * 2.0f;\n");
// Sonic Unleashed puts its final rendering at the near or
// far plane of the viewing frustrum(actually box, they use
// orthogonal projection for that), and we end up putting it
// just beyond, and the rendering gets clipped away. (The
// primitive gets dropped)
WRITE(p, "o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 1048575.0f/1048576.0f;\n");
// the next steps of the OGL pipeline are:
// (x_c,y_c,z_c,w_c) = o.pos //switch to OGL spec terminology
// clipping to -w_c <= (x_c,y_c,z_c) <= w_c
// (x_d,y_d,z_d) = (x_c,y_c,z_c)/w_c//perspective divide
// z_w = (f-n)/2*z_d + (n+f)/2
// z_w now contains the value to go to the 0..1 depth buffer
//trying to get the correct semantic while not using glDepthRange
//seems to get rather complicated
if (ApiType & API_D3D9)
// D3D9 is addressing pixel centers instead of pixel boundaries in clip space.
// Thus we need to offset the final position by half a pixel
WRITE(p, "o.pos = o.pos + float4(" I_DEPTHPARAMS".z, " I_DEPTHPARAMS".w, 0.f, 0.f);\n");
if(ApiType == API_OPENGL)
// Bit ugly here
// TODO: Make pretty
// Will look better when we bind uniforms in GLSL 1.3
// clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
if(i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens)
WRITE(p, " = o.tex%d;\n", i, i);
WRITE(p, " = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n", i);
WRITE(p, " clipPos_2 = o.clipPos;\n");
if(g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
WRITE(p, " Normal_2 = o.Normal;\n");
// clip position is in w of first 4 texcoords
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, " uv%d_2 = o.tex%d;\n", i, i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, " uv%d_2%s = o.tex%d;\n", i, i < 4 ? ".xyzw" : ".xyz" , i);
WRITE(p, "colors_02 = o.colors_0;\n");
WRITE(p, "colors_12 = o.colors_1;\n");
WRITE(p, "gl_Position = o.pos;\n");
WRITE(p, "}\n");
WRITE(p, "return o;\n}\n");
if (text[sizeof(text) - 1] != 0x7C)
PanicAlert("VertexShader generator - buffer too small, canary has been eaten!");
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, ""); // restore locale
return text;