dolphin/GJXE51.ini d8fe4f2da1 Clean up.
PostProcessingShader =

is removed since it can create an issue and is not needed.
2011-04-17 00:59:49 +00:00

21 lines
364 B

# GJXE51 - Vexx
ProjectionHack = 0
PH_SZNear = 0
PH_SZFar = 0
PH_ExtraParam = 0
PH_ZNear =
PH_ZFar =
EmulationStateId = 3
EmulationIssues = Slow,needs mmu and lle audio plugin for proper audio(r7411).
SafeTextureCache = True
SafeTextureCacheColorSamples = 128
MMU = 1
FastDiscSpeed = 1