// waybar-backlight
"backlight": {
"interval": 2,
"align": 0,
"rotate": 0,
//"device": "amdgpu_bl0",
"format": "{icon} {percent}%",
"format-icons": ["", "", "", ""],
// Commands to execute on events
"on-click": "",
"on-click-middle": "",
"on-click-right": "",
"on-update": "",
"on-scroll-up": "light -A 5%",
"on-scroll-down": "light -U 5%",
"smooth-scrolling-threshold": 1,
// waybar-battery
"battery": {
"interval": 60,
"align": 0,
"rotate": 0,
//"bat": "BAT1",
//"adapter": "ACAD",
"full-at": 100,
"design-capacity": false,
"states": {
"good": 95,
"warning": 30,
"critical": 15
"format": "{icon} {capacity}%",
"format-charging": " {capacity}%",
"format-plugged": " {capacity}%",
"format-full": "{icon} Full",
//"format-good": "",
"format-alt": "{icon} {time}",
"format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""],
"format-time": "{H}h {M}min",
"tooltip": true,
// waybar-clock
"clock": {
"interval": 60,
"align": 0,
"rotate": 0,
//"timezone": "America/New_York",
"tooltip-format": "{:%B %Y}\n{calendar}",
"format": "{:%I:%M %p}",
"format-alt": "{:%a %b %d, %G}"
// waybar-cpu
"cpu": {
"interval": 5,
"format": "cpu: {usage}%",
// waybar-custom
"custom/menu": {
"format": " ",
"tooltip": false,
"on-click": "bash $HOME/.config/hypr/scripts/menu",
"custom/power": {
"format": " ",
"tooltip": false,
// waybar-disk
"disk": {
"interval": 30,
"format": "free: {free}",
// waybar-memory
"memory": {
"interval": 10,
"format": "used: {used:0.1f}G",
// waybar-mpd
"mpd": {
"interval": 2,
"unknown-tag": "N/A",
"format": "{stateIcon} {artist} - {title}",
"format-disconnected": " Disconnected",
"format-paused": "{stateIcon} {artist} - {title}",
"format-stopped": "Stopped ",
"state-icons": {
"paused": "",
"playing": ""
"tooltip-format": "MPD (connected)",
"tooltip-format-disconnected": "MPD (disconnected)",
// Commands to execute on events
"on-click": "mpc toggle",
"on-click-middle": "mpc prev",
"on-click-right": "mpc next",
"on-update": "",
"on-scroll-up": "mpc seek +00:00:01",
"on-scroll-down": "mpc seek -00:00:01",
"smooth-scrolling-threshold": 1,
// waybar-network
"network": {
"interval": 5,
//"interface": "wlan*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface, set it for netspeed to work
"format-wifi": " {essid}",
"format-ethernet": " {bandwidthUpBits} | {bandwidthDownBits}",
"format-linked": " {ifname} (No IP)",
"format-disconnected": "Disconnected",
"format-disabled": "Disabled",
"format-alt": " {ipaddr}/{cidr}",
"tooltip-format": " {ifname} via {gwaddr}",
// waybar-pulseaudio
"pulseaudio": {
//"format": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
"format": "{icon} {volume}%",
"format-muted": " Mute",
"format-bluetooth": " {volume}% {format_source}",
"format-bluetooth-muted": " Mute",
"format-source": " {volume}%",
"format-source-muted": "",
"format-icons": {
"headphone": "",
"hands-free": "",
"headset": "",
"phone": "",
"portable": "",
"car": "",
"default": ["vol"]
"scroll-step": 5.0,
// Commands to execute on events
"on-click": "amixer set Master toggle",
"on-click-right": "pavucontrol",
"smooth-scrolling-threshold": 1,
// waybar-tray
"tray": {
"icon-size": 16,
"spacing": 10
"custom/changewaybar": {
"on-click": "~/.bin/change-waybar-hyprland",
"tooltip": true,
"tooltip-format": "Swap between waybar configs",
"format": "CW "