include(FetchContent) set(_DEFAULT_VCPKG_ROOT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vcpkg") set(VCPKG_ROOT "${_DEFAULT_VCPKG_ROOT}" CACHE STRING "The path to the vcpkg repository") if (VCPKG_ROOT STREQUAL "${_DEFAULT_VCPKG_ROOT}") FetchContent_Declare(vcpkg GIT_REPOSITORY "" GIT_TAG 2023.10.19 SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vcpkg") FetchContent_MakeAvailable(vcpkg) endif() set(VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/overlay-triplets") option(USE_RECOMMENDED_TRIPLETS "Use the recommended triplets that are used for official builds" ON) if (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES MATCHES ";") message(FATAL_ERROR "macOS universal builds are not supported. Build them individually and combine afterwards instead.") endif() if (USE_RECOMMENDED_TRIPLETS) execute_process( COMMAND uname -m OUTPUT_VARIABLE _HOST_PROCESSOR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) set(_CAN_TARGET_AS_HOST OFF) if (APPLE) if (NOT CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) if (_HOST_PROCESSOR STREQUAL arm64) set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES arm64) else() set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES x86_64) endif() endif() if (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES STREQUAL arm64) set(_WANTED_TRIPLET arm64-osx-11.0-release) set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 11.0) else() set(_WANTED_TRIPLET x64-osx-10.15-release) set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.15) endif() elseif(WIN32) # TODO Windows arm64 if possible set(_CAN_TARGET_AS_HOST ON) set(_WANTED_TRIPLET x64-mingw-static) endif() # Don't override it if the user set something else if (NOT VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) set(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET "${_WANTED_TRIPLET}") else() set(_WANTED_TRIPLET "${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}") endif() if (APPLE) if (_HOST_PROCESSOR STREQUAL arm64 AND _WANTED_TRIPLET MATCHES "-osx") set(_CAN_TARGET_AS_HOST ON) elseif (_WANTED_TRIPLET MATCHES "^x64-osx") set(_CAN_TARGET_AS_HOST ON) endif() endif() # If host and target triplet differ, vcpkg seems to always assume that the host can't run the target's binaries. # In cases like cross compiling from ARM -> Intel macOS, or target being an older version of the host OS, we *can* do that so the packages built targeting the host are redundant. if (_CAN_TARGET_AS_HOST AND NOT VCPKG_HOST_TRIPLET) option(VCPKG_TARGET_AS_HOST "Use the target as host triplet to speed up builds" ON) else() option(VCPKG_TARGET_AS_HOST "Use the target as host triplet to speed up builds" OFF) endif() if (VCPKG_TARGET_AS_HOST) set(VCPKG_HOST_TRIPLET "${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}" CACHE STRING "Host triplet to use for vcpkg") endif() endif() set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake")